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Commission work plan


Minutes 22.02.2022 No. 1


Anti-Corruption Commissions

for 2022

Name of the event Term (frequency) of execution
1. Keeping records, analyzing incoming information on anti-corruption issues and informing employees. constantly
2. Approval of the Work Plan of the Anti-Corruption Commission of OJSC REMIZ for 2022. March 2022
3. Consideration of the implementation of the Action Plan for Combating Corruption of JSC "REMIZ". Quarterly
4. Consideration of the results of the final audit of the financial and economic activities of the Company for 2021 and the report on the work of the Audit Commission for 2021. March 2022
5. Determination of objects and approval of the plan for the audit of the Company by the Audit Commission for 2022. March 2022
6. Consideration of the results of audits by the Audit Commission of the Company Established by the chairman of the commission
7. Consideration of the written conclusions of the commission for the organization of work with receivables on the causes of overdue receivables. 1 time per semester
8. Consideration of issues related to the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest in the activities of JSC "REMIZ" persons equated to public officials. As needed or as they come
9. Consideration of other issues by decision of the chairman of the commission or at the suggestion of at least one third of the members of the commission. Determined by the chairman of the commission
10. Consideration of the issue of measures taken to prevent and suppress corruption offenses related to the implementation of investment projects and government programs in the implementation of such projects. June 2022